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Special April Photo session Offer!

As we all know spring sure feels different this year with COVID-19...

Like many other “lucky” ones, I’ve found myself among the people who celebrate their birthday in April.

I have to say I was never a fan of big celebrations and used to keep this day very low-key and just for myself. Except maybe for some close friends and my family. But this year is like no other. It’s been testing every one of us around the world in so many ways. I am sure that humanity is strong enough and we will pull through this together. But it’s so very crucial to set our minds towards positivity right now and think about the better future. Small steps make big changes. That’s why on this very day (Happy Birthday to me!) I want to make something special for all of us.

Starting now, April the 4th, you can get a 20% discount on any Collection. You can pick your Family, Couple, or Individual photo session. Besides this, with the booking of your session, you will get a complimentary 8x10 print of the photograph of your choice.

You can also book your photoshoot with an open date. It means that you can pick your date later.

Let’s fill this summer with fun and laughter and plan a beautiful photo session with you and your loved ones.

Offer starts Now (04/04/2020) and will end at the beginning of May (05/04/2020).

We are all in this together.

You can book your session here.