How to make a perfect Christmas card photo in 2020?

Hurray, people! We are all close enough to say it out loud: 2020 is almost over!

It's been a crazy unique year with lots of sorrows, heartbreaks, changes. Nevertheless, it's been a year that brought us all a little closer to each other. The year that showed us sympathy and humanity. During this wild time, we had a chance to spend this always slippery time with the ones that mean the most to us-our families.

I bet you will say that no matter how much you love your family it's been a struggle to love them 24/7 during the quarantine. I hear you! But, closer to the end of this chaos, I want to remind you that time flies, kids grow, and you were lucky to witness it all just by staying put.

That's why this year I feel like the best Christmas card photo should be taken right in the heart of your little world, your home.

It should be about you, your relationship, your love.

To help you out to set up the right mood for the shoot, I want you to remember these 4 tips:

1. Your home is a perfect backdrop.

During Christmas time we are always in the search of the best locations, illumination, festive spirit everywhere outside your own place. But we tend to forget that your house is the most perfect space to shoot a Christmas card and especially to commemorate this year. But truth be told, you've just forgotten how it is to just leave your house, right?

2. Embrace the mess.

Don't get me wrong here. Don't trash your house right before the photoshoot. Instead embrace the traces of your every day life. A cup of unfinished coffee on the table? Some toys in the floor? Trust me it's ok, it just shows that human beings live there, not robots. Your house is your fortress, it brings out the character of your family. It shouldn't be perfect, because as we've learned life is not about that at all.

3. Get comfortable.

2020 showed us one thing. It is possible to live the whole year in your pajamas and don't be ashamed of it. So, why not to change your cozy flannel set for even more cozier one and make some photos with ease and comfort.

4. Let the Christmas spirit gets you.

My sister has a tradition. She takes out all the Christmas decorations. Drags a Christmas tree inside the house. Turns on the festive music, gathers the family together and here you go! The magic begins.

Decorating the Christmas tree together can be a wonderful photo opportunity. It's fun, everyone enjoys the process, the little ones get to play with the forbidden Christmas ornaments. It's a win win for everyone especially for your photographer, who can capture the essence of you as a family.

To be honest it doesn't really matter how you want to celebrate and get your pictures taken at the end of this year. What really matters is with whom. Am I right?


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