Social Distancing or How To Keep In Touch With Friends.

We all have friends and people we care about. We love to meet with them, talk to them, look at them. That brings us comfort in our daily lives. But what can we do when social distancing from your loved ones suddenly becomes a necessity? With today's world situation due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, it can be challenging to sustain and balance the same friendly rituals and routine you had before. Here I want to share some tips on how to keep in touch with friends, no matter how far they are.

1. Host Virtual Coffee Dates.

Getting coffee with a close friend is truly one of the small, simple pleasures we take for granted. When distance separates us from our dear friends, it doesn't mean that coffee therapy comes to an end. The opposite! Thank the universe, nowadays we are blessed with the technologies not to do so. So set up a virtual weekly coffee date and keep the tradition alive.

2. Create an Album or Book of you Together.

Being at a distance means going from shared experiences together to sharing your experiences with each other. So, whether you're two friends at opposite ends of the globe or a friend group scattered across the country, creating a photo book together can keep everyone looped in on meaningful moments. Finally, it is the right time to go through these 20,000 photos on your phone, print the best ones and clear the space for the new memories.

3. Write a letter or send a postcard with your face on it.

Keeping in touch with friends starts with keeping them in your thoughts — year-round. Even with Instagram, Facebook, Whatsup, and other social media, it can be hard to catch up with people who live on the opposite side of the globe. Or the ones you haven't had a chance to catch up with for years. Now it might be a great idea to go back to the old-fashioned way of correspondence - physical letters and postcards. To be honest, it is my favorite way to keep in touch. All this anticipation of a new letter to come is priceless! You can also use it as a chance to print your favorite photos of yourself or your family and send them as a postcard. Finding a familiar face in the mailbox among all the bills and other spam can be so refreshing. (But! Don't forget about safety first! Don't go out without a necessity. You can always drop a postcard in the mail during your walk to the groceries. Otherwise better use tip number 1).

4. Exercise Together.

There are two fat bonuses here. First, you can finally lose this fat from stress eating all day long. Second, you can do it with a little help from your friend. Download the Zoom app on your phone and set up the meeting. The more friends, the merrier. Stay healthy and fit no matter what!

Social Distancing or How To Keep In Touch With Friends.

5. Set Up Reminders.

Ever forget a friend’s birthday, only to realize when you see it announced on Instagram? I bet a lot of you can relate to this. I have to admit here. I'm terrible with dates! That's why setting up some simple reminders on your phone or writing down the memorable dates in your notebook can be very handy. Being a victim of having a Birthday in April myself ( another month of social distancing here in the USA during the pandemic), I find it soothing to know there are people out there who still wish me well. Bit It doesn't always have to be a Birthday. You can make up your own silly holiday or affair. Whatever the occasion, your friends will be happy to know the unique reason that brought them to your mind.

Social Distancing or How To Keep In Touch With Friends.

6. Turn the future trips Into Reunions.

OK, this one may be a long shot here. But Hey! This will be over one day, so why not to turn our thoughts to something positive and uplifting. Memorable journeys are the products of the people who join us — which is exactly why you should use this time as an excuse to plan a trip with a friend. You will be surprised how much peace and delight, it will bring you! I'm still thinking of going to visit my parents who live on another continent. And even stop by in Spain to hug my best friend. Hello Julia!

I hope each of you can find something helpful in this post. Let me know how you stay in touch with your friends in the comments below!


“In Bloom” Editorial for Dreamingless magazine.


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