
Welcome to the blog! A place where I like to share some of my favorite photos from recent sessions, news, and other fun things that interest me or you may find useful! It’s a great place to get to know me as well as get inspiration and ideas of what your own session might look like! Feel free to like, share, or drop a comment on any posts that pique your interest!

How to pick the right location for your Portrait Session.
Dina Averuk Dina Averuk

How to pick the right location for your Portrait Session.

One of the most popular questions and almost the first one people ask me after the booking a session with me is where should we take your images.

You’ve seen a beautiful place where your friends had a shoot recently, but it seems to be far away from your home. Or you loved that one image on Pinterest, but not sure if you can make it there because the weather looks super gloomy and it’s about to rain and snow at the same time. So you keep on brainstorming and worrying because, naturally, you want your photos to be perfect.

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