
Welcome to the blog! A place where I like to share some of my favorite photos from recent sessions, news, and other fun things that interest me or you may find useful! It’s a great place to get to know me as well as get inspiration and ideas of what your own session might look like! Feel free to like, share, or drop a comment on any posts that pique your interest!

4 Simple Tips for a successful Personal branding photo shoot.
Dina Averuk Dina Averuk

4 Simple Tips for a successful Personal branding photo shoot.

Let's talk about personal branding today.

As a business owner, you are the face of your brand and your branding photo should be a representation of that. Remember, you’re not just selling a product or a service, you’re selling yourself and the experience people have when working with you. It is very important to know how you can elevate your brand If you want to attract your ideal clients. Spoiler alert! Personal branding photography is a must nowadays.

As a photographer and a business owner, I want to share a couple of things here that might help you prepare for a Personal Branding session. Some tips on what you should know before having one.

So here we go!

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Family photo session in the historic heart of Philadelphia.
Dina Averuk Dina Averuk

Family photo session in the historic heart of Philadelphia.

What can be a better way to enjoy this perfect golden crispy fall? Just walking around the amazing old city of Philadelphia with the ones you loved the most. And with your beloved photographer aka me, of course. Had so much fun with Oleg and Lena and their little son Daniel, whom I met for the first time during his christening. Wow, time flies!

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7 Family-friendly activities during a photography session.
Dina Averuk Dina Averuk

7 Family-friendly activities during a photography session.

Today I want to share some of my favorite activities that also provide plenty of beautiful photo opportunities as well as lots of family fun.

1. Apple picking.

It can be berry picking or flower picking. Depending on a season, you can pick whatever your little ones desire the most. A trip to the apple orchard is always a great way to spend an afternoon with your family and your photographer. It's also fun for the kids. They can be involved in the process, which gives your photographer a better chance to capture these candid moments. Plus, a great bonus here, you can score those yummy organic apples from your favorite farm. And maybe even bake something even more delicious later. Which leads us to the second activity on our list.

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