Portrait Photoshoot in Jersey City, NJ.

Rainbow, laughs, and a gorgeous view of Manhattan.

The idea for this portrait photoshoot came out of a message. Or should I say it was more of a cry for help in some way? I have to clarify here: Natasha wrote to me during the outbreak of the pandemic, while being stuck on self-quarantine. She had a strong determination to leave the house, abandon her cat, her husband, and her adorable one-year-old baby to finally have some time for herself. She wanted to have an individual portrait session and wanted me to help her with it. I believe 3 months of self-isolation explains all of the above. Needless to say, I was ready to flee my house as well.

There was only one problem. We were was still under quarantine. So when the right time came to us, the terms of self-quarantine were lifted, we didn’t waste even a minute. I have to mention this photoshoot wasn't our first one. A while ago I had a pleasure to meet with my model's family (minus the cat). And we've had a wonderful family portrait session together. Unfortunately, I haven’t had enough time to get to know Natasha at that time. And who knew that she would turn out to be that cool?! I love and appreciate all the people who come to me for my photo services. But some people make such a great impression on you. With some people you just click, you know? Natasha is this kind of person for sure. She was so much fun and easy to work with. I think we were more laughing and talking than actually taking photos. Even the massive thunderstorm hasn't discouraged us. Even though it was raining cats and dogs, we were just laughing, as a reward for our jolly mood, nature gifted us with the most breathtaking rainbow.

We were shooting in Jersey City, NJ. The skyline of NYC was the background for us and Natasha's apartment building was a dance floor. Just imagine the gorgeous view of Manhattan with a rainbow above it! Straight after the rain. It was truly mesmerizing. For those who don't know, Jersey City has a lot of hidden gems and perfect little nooks for a photoshoot. Some places even reminded me of Brooklyn. All these red-brick townhouses with massive posh staircases. A dream place to have a photoshoot that is just around the corner!

To sum up, it is good to be back! It's such a pleasure to be able to shoot again. So if you are as hungry as Natasha was, if you've stayed at your place for a way too long and now are ready for an individual or family photoshoot, hit me up! We will make something up together!


Katya & Andrey’s photo adventure in Poconos, PA


How to pick the right location for your Portrait Session.