
Welcome to the blog! A place where I like to share some of my favorite photos from recent sessions, news, and other fun things that interest me or you may find useful! It’s a great place to get to know me as well as get inspiration and ideas of what your own session might look like! Feel free to like, share, or drop a comment on any posts that pique your interest!

Portrait Photoshoot in Jersey City, NJ.
Dina Averuk Dina Averuk

Portrait Photoshoot in Jersey City, NJ.

Rainbow, laughs, and a gorgeous view of Manhattan.

The idea for this portrait photoshoot came out of a message. Or should I say it was more of a cry for help in some way? I have to clarify here: Natasha wrote to me during the outbreak of the pandemic, while being stuck on self-quarantine. She had a strong determination to leave the house, abandon her cat, her husband, and her adorable one-year-old baby to finally have some time for herself. She wanted to have an individual portrait session and wanted me to help her with it. I believe 3 months of self-isolation explains all of the above. Needless to say, I was ready to flee my house as well.

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